Jingle bell, jingle bell, Reel Cafe Noms is here!

Hello, Hello! It's been a while since I last blogged and boy, I was really busy these three weeks at work. I've been really busy because the office is having a Christmas Decoration competition where we are segregated into 4 groups to decorate our office space! It was so hectic but it was really fun!

A wide view on how it our space looked like before the magic happened. This is the stage where we were all planning on what,where and how we should do to our little corner (not that little, quite big actually!)

We spent so many days on cutting, rolling snow balls out from cotton wool to everything!

Still at the beginning stages of assembling and rolling more snow balls. It looked easy but so much of time is spent doing all of these.

We got our ideas from pinterest and we came up with an awesome concept which is a cafe! Initially, we wanted to make it a winter wonderland cafe but the outcome of what we made in the end was waaaaaaaaay better than what we originally planned!

Slowly our Cafe comes to life!

Some flowers ain't gonna hurt no body. Samantha and I went flower shopping at Pasar Seni. Oh man, I really love flowers, the smell and the beauty of it :D

Our Cafe corner! We have been painting bricks for a week, the agony to paint these omg. We had to motivate each other to finish painting them bricks. I swear I thought I was gonna poop bricks and dream about painting bricks. D: 

More bricks! Look at our beautiful suspended Christmas tree, how can you not be fascinated by a floating tree? HOW CAN YOU NOT? Lol!

Have you seen our wonderful hand made Coffee Machine? Made by Michelle Teh, it is so amazing, really. 

Why of course we accept credits by social media likes, follows and shares! AND ALSO most importantly your precious VOTE ;)

We also got "awarded" from Trip Advisor and TimeOut KL okay? Your cafe got or not? :p

So dear friends and readers of mine, do vote for Reel Cafe Noms at http://dayre.me/timothytiah/Jz6xJf9p17 by commenting on the blog post :)



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