Merry Christmas and Happy Boxing Day!
Spending my first Christmas away from home, and it is different. Although it's nice, it's just different. Well, I ate a lot that's for sure just minus the partying I guess.
I just feel a tad more homesick because it's the festive season. I would usually spend time with family and friends: eating, drinking, and definitely laughing a lot. So, I have a pretty quiet Christmas this year. Also, because it is December, I get a little sad. Just thinking about 6 years ago makes me sad. December is a pretty rough month, my late father's birthday and also his death anniversary.
But I'm loving Boxing Day, went out early in the morning to shop, and it's amazing how SO MANY people would wake up early to shop on Boxing Day. I see the reason; SO MANY GREAT DEALS!
This year, I spent Christmas with the Mings'! Almost vomited my food because I was so stuffed.
Oh! You know, winter solstice is one of my favourite festivals. Partly because I get to get involved in making the glutinous rice balls. My grandma NEVER lets me help her cook any dishes, she gets all cranky every time I try to help her. So yeah! Since I wasn't able to celebrate it back home, why not celebrate it here right? So, it was a very Malaysian celebration (even we had a Malaysian Christmas where I made Bak Kut Teh), we had a few friends over for nasi lemak. I was glad I managed to pull it off, the sambal tasted just like how my grandma made it back home- SUPER HAPPY. Also made ayam goreng berempah and tang yuan (because it's not a celebration without it!).
My failed You Tiao, it tasted more like Churros than the actual You Tiao.
I guess that's it for today, a short brief post.